Bashan Seminar 2023

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 We are happy to announce that the Seminar this year will be held from Monday, July 03, to Sabbath, July 08.
 The prudent man plans ahead. Now is the best time to make sure of your plans to attend the Seminar this year. Click the link below to view the application. 

Seminar Application

Be Your Own Bodyguard


Dear Folks:

 In keeping with my resolution to be my own bodyguard this year (see the Bashan Prayer Meeting on December 21, 2022, titled, Do You Need a Bodyguard? and the following week’s Prayer Meeting, December 28, entitled Getting Ready for a New Year), I want to encourage you to resolve with me to do the same—be your own bodyguard. This means you will determine to do the right thing, at the right time, always, without anyone’s asking you, requiring you, prodding you. You do it because you know it is right and just and good. “Commence the new year right.”—1T 663.

 I am determining to reread the message this year and hope to finish it this year. Perhaps you will join me or perhaps you have your own spiritual determination that you would like to share.  

 I have also been memorizing Bible verses. Many times we know the verse but not the reference. We can decide to put them together this year. For example, one of my favorites is, “Them that honor me I will honor.” I don’t remember the reference. By the way, it’s 1 Samuel 2:30.

 My wish for you is happiness and success in the new year. This is absolutely attainable if we remember that “most folks are usually about as happy as they make up their minds to be” (Abraham Lincoln), which thought is echoed by the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy: “You can be happy if you choose” (Letter 1, 1860, p. 1; to Henry and Edson, March 14, 1860). “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

 This brief blog is to encourage you to resolve and determine to be happy and successful this year in changing our lives. Whatever comes, we give God the credit as we keep behind the hedge of Inspiration.

Have a blessed New Year.

Karyl Bingham

The Problem with Rock Music


 Sometimes it is necessary to take a stand that is almost universally unpopular. Rock music is a perfect example. For over 60 years Rock and Roll music has had, overall, a corrupting effect on traditional values and ideas of what is right and wrong. Its success in this can be measured in the degree that its influence is taken for granted as “normal,” and even “good,” by most people today. “Rock music is bad? Lol. That is such an old fashioned idea.”

 It is an old fashioned idea, but it is based on much evidence. Rock and Roll music tends to discourage rule-based behavior of the kind that leads to long-term success and health. Instead, Rock music often encourages rule breaking behavior, a “live for the moment” and a “do whatever feels good” mindset. Rock and Roll music promotes a “let it all hang out” feeling in our minds and morals. It has a direct tendency to increase drug use and promiscuous behavior. 

 The negative effects of Rock and Roll can be plainly seen in the lives of the chief proponents of Rock today; that is, Rock singers, band members, and the whole modern music industry, whose drug, alcohol, and sex problems are legendary. The negative effects of Rock come from both the music itself (hard to see in our minds a drug crazed classical musician 🙂), and also in many, many cases, from the lyrics.

 Certain drum rhythms have long been known to affect human consciousness. Near the milder end of the spectrum, we are all, no doubt, familiar with the kind of music that makes you want to tap your feet or clap your hands to the beat. Then there is the music that “just makes us want to dance.” And finally, there are types of drum rhythms that can have a mind numbing and even hypnotic effect on the listener. These things and more are all known and have been known for a long time.

 Whether the drum rhythms are mildly compelling or strongly hypnotic, it is widely understood that Rock music often has a disinhibiting effect on the listener’s mind. That is, the music is urging the listener on a subconscious level to relax, to let go his normal “up tight” emotional and moral self-control, and to “let the music take control.” Obviously, different people will be affected to differing degrees by the music and the rhythms of Rock, but even people who think they are not influenced at all by Rock music have been shown to be affected in a number of subtle and not so subtle ways.

 For example, thoughts and temptations that would not otherwise be entertained are more likely to find at least a temporary lodging place in our minds when we listen to Rock. The conscious mind can be partly lulled to sleep by the rhythms of the drums and the music, allowing the lower levels of the brain more freedom. “If feels good, just do it.” “Take another drink. Go ahead, use some drugs. Be promiscuous.” This is the dark direction that much of Rock music invites its listeners to go in, even if that is not the message on the surface. The effect of any one Rock song on the mind is small, but over the decades, the effect on society as whole has been profound.

For the 60’s generation, Rock music ushered in the era of sex, drugs, and, yes, Rock and Roll. Rock played a supporting role in the fight for abortion on demand (promiscuous sexual behavior has certain consequences, of course). The end result of the drug revolution of the 60’s and on is the current drug legalization push in the Western world, particularly the U.S. The end result of the sexual revolution is the gender-fluid “be whatever you want to be today, for tomorrow we die” craziness we see today.

Rock and Roll music has played a real, if not fully understood, role in our society’s transition from a relatively Christianized country to a country whose overwhelming moral decay is now showing the inevitable signs of a linked cultural and economic decay. Because we have lost touch with our Christian roots, we have lost touch, to a degree, with the positive, anti-entropic belief systems that helped get us to this point in human history. Rock music has played a part in this, in that it is a force for disorder more than it is a force for good.

Rock and Roll is more likely, by far, to have a neutral to negative message than a neutral to positive message. The overall impact of Rock and related music genres today is downward. Rock and Roll encourages independent, rule-breaking behavior. It has played a role in destroying many, many lives, as well as materially weakening our society. Overall, it is a force for ill, not for good. May God bless you.

Bashan Seminar 2021

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 We are happy to announce that the Seminar this year will be held from Monday, September 20, to Sabbath, September 25. We hope and pray that Covid 19 will be a thing of the past by then, but if it is still around, we can accommodate about 65 persons because of social distancing.

 The prudent man plans ahead. Now is the best time to make sure of your plans to attend the Seminar this year. Click the link below to view the application, then you may download, fill, and "Submit" the application right to us. 

Seminar Application

Bashan Podcast


 We are happy to announce that the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Association now has a podcast! If you are already familiar with podcasts and how they work, just search for “Davidian” in your podcast app, and you’ll see us as, “The Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Podcast”.

 If you are unfamiliar with podcasts, there are several ways for you to access our podcast. Go to your phone’s app store, Google Play for Android, or App Store for Apple, and do a search for “podcast”. Any podcast app will do; “Google Podcast”, “Podbean”, and “Podcast Addict” are viable and recommended options.

 We are also on other popular formats that have podcast access on their apps and their websites like, “Spotify”, “Amazon Music”, “iHeart Radio”, “Stitcher”, “Player.FM”, “TuneIn”, “Listen Notes”, “Deezer” and more.

 Once you have downloaded whichever app you choose, hit “subscribe”, and you will be automatically notified when new episodes are published.

 On our podcast we have new studies from Bashan’s Chapel, archive studies from brother M.J. Bingham and sister Jemmy Bingham, and we also have studies provided in different languages with more languages to come. These different languages can be identified by the language name being the first heading in the episode title.

 We have many more features planned for this podcast format that we pray will be a blessing to all who listen. Remember, make sure you subscribe to whatever platform you use, to access the Davidian Seventh-day Adventist Podcast, so that you will be notified and can keep up to speed with all that is released.

Ghana School

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 Assigned to the School of the Prophets in Ghana as the administrator, our field worker, Sister Betty-Ann, has been "stuck" in Ghana since November 2019. The lockdown, due to Covid-19, has prevented her from returning to her home in Trinidad and Tobago. She says that “she is at peace with her situation,” as she faithfully keeps her hands to the plow. Please continue to keep the school in your prayers.

 The above pictures are of 12 of the students and them sitting in the classroom and also, Sister Betty-Ann on the blessed and fruitful farmland with students and other assistants.

Bashan and Covid-19


 The news is very unreliable where the virus is concerned, leading many to doubt it even exists and others to be angry and/or sad at the restrictions placed on them. It seems to have become a political tool, so beware of the media. The virus does exist, Brethren, and does not seem to be going away; so we must live with it, having respect and taking pre-cautions. Wear your masks, social distance, use anti-viral lotions, and take anti-viral supplements and herbs. Do your part and God will do His part.

 Bashan Hill has been Covid-19 free from the beginning of the pandemic to date. All here have cooperated with the protocols set by the Association—supplements, social distancing, sanitizing, and precautions taken when off the hill. We praise God for blessing our obedience by keeping His hill healthy and strong to continue His work for the church.

 At Bashan, we are still doing curbside pickups as much as possible, and when we do have to go beyond curbside service, we use all of the recommended safety pre-cautions. Presumption at this time can cost you your good health, if not your life.

Bashan 50th Year Anniversary


2020 will be the 50th anniversary of Bashan at its location in Exeter, Missouri. Fifty years is a long time. We hope we do not have another fifty to go till the Kingdom.

Contact Us

Effective Sighing And Crying Now Available

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 "We Davidians, with few exceptions, are all aware of the Lord's special mandate to us to "Sigh and Cry" in the church today. The message repeatedly emphasizes our brethren of the impending day of Judgement. 'So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto th house of Israel; When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.' Ezekiel 33:7,8

 "While almost all Davidians understand that the Lord is here instructing us to work for the salvation of His church, not all today will acknowledge that in giving us this command the Lord also requires us to discharge our duty in the most effective way we possibly can. Spiritual food, like material food, can be prepared and served in a pleasant and appetizing way, or it can be prepared and served in an unappealing and tasteless way. 'Approach the people in a persuasive, kindly manner,' Sister White counsels us, 'with hearts filled with cheerfulness and Christlike love.' (PM 310.1)"

Click below to obtain your copy of "Effective Sighing and Crying"

Contact Us

Seminar 2019

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Every Seminar at Bashan is special and blessed in manifold and distinct ways to everyone in attendance. Each goes away with his own blessing.

The fall Seminar, held Monday, September 23 to Sabbath, September 28, was also unique in its blessings to all who attended. Its theme was Preparing To Be A Part of the 144,000 and we learned much about what it means and takes to be a part of this elite group to which we all aim to be one of or one with.

Before you realize it, 2020 will be here and the Seminars will be upon us. If you wish to attend, we urge you to start saving for your transportation and expenses now. If you wish to stay longer than the duration of the Seminar to help with pre and post Seminar work, you are welcome to do so.

Study Videos Available Online

We now have our Study videos available online for you to watch. Feel free to peruse our library of videos on our official LiveStream account.